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Thursday 4 September 2014

Jahanum Se Farar Novel Part 1 By Zaheer Ahmed

jahanum se farar
Jahanum se farar written by zaheer ahmed published in august 2014 was finalized as " top secret file" but this title was already taken by safdar shaheen so author changed name to existing title is the story of imran series where ali imran and juliana fights agains Israel's danger agency and the agent of israel secret agency's agent uses full force to kill ali imran but prime minister of israel stops agency to fight against ali imran and orders them to go under grounded and said colonel devid  chief of g p five to go after ali imran but this time colonel brings his new section to take action and the members of this section was not to leave pakesia agents this time.This adventurous thriller mission is full of action when ali imran and julia do not see anyone for their help and were totally helpless.Juliana wishes to find the chief of danger agency and get the file for what they came to israel but imran does not want this and want to go back to pakesia with incomplete file.Does really he leaves israel with incomplete secret file ? or was he afear of danger agency.

First Pages of Jahanum Se Farar Novel

Young boy and girl was comfort when they left the airport and moved to underground way instead of taxi stand.They are holding briefcases in their hands and putting heavy shoppers on shoulders and look asian by face.After going through underground way they moved to to main road and keep walking on footpath.People of around was surprised on them.They stopped in front of a hotel when they passed one furlong distance and this time they were looking tired and sweating can be seen on their faces.What do you say? boy asks to girl after putting down the briefcase.Asking about what? girl replies.what do you think that what can i ask to you? boy smiles mischievously. you may ask about hotel or hiring any cab.girl looks at hotel and answers to boy.Click on the given mediafire link for jahanum se farar novel pdf free download by zaheer ahmed or read online imran series new august 2014 book on archive alternative of dropbox.

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