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Wednesday 3 September 2014

Aafat Urdu Novel By M Ilyas Pdf Free Download

aafat m ilyas
Aafat authored by m ilyas is an adventure social conflicts thriller story of a station master  whose was living very simple life and one day a beautiful girl comes to him at night for shelter protection and that brings changes in his life and becomes life full of problems.That day it was cold and fog was making atmosphere totally murky.Usually weather of raajbari is pleasant and joyful but in winter temperatures drops very low. Sun sets very soon in raajbari and there is a hill in the west of city and under the hill there is the railway station of raajbari as sun sets beyond hill it makes railway station darken. At 9.30 pm anis up trains comes to station and after that i leave station.This was my daily routine but sometime i leave earlier then other days because on small stations there is not any schedule for station masters but SM performs his duty 24 hours that s why i don't have particular schedule. In east there is home signal of railway along my quarter. My quarter looks like a bungalow when i compare it to railway station and that's make me to love my home.There is a haw of hina around my home with an iron made small door and along haw there is flower bed which has some vegetables and flowers in it.After lawn there is a verandah and after this there is drawing room decorated a simple mate on floor and other side there is a diwan.I have been here for one and half year as a station master.This story  is posted into urdu adventure books and  m ilyas novels free.Visit the mentioned mediafire link for aafat urdu novel pdf by m ilyas free download or read online on dropbox.

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