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Thursday 28 August 2014

Monthly Computing Urdu Magazine June 2014 Pdf Download

computing june 2014
Monthly computing urdu magazine for the month of june is a special edition on the occasion of eid ul fitar and available for free downloading on its official website. This month magazine brings new information technology news like recently skype (owned by Microsoft company in 2011) launched new app for language translation which will be available end of this year so the skype users will be able to understand and speak different language even they do not know languages here i want to add one more thing that there are many other translators like Google and bing translator and these tools are used only for text translation but with Skype translator users can translate any language while speaking to next person.NASA new research on transistors made technology more faster by inventing vacuum transistor which are nanometer in size and work on the speed of 460 gigahertz. Electricity is the basic source of life and almost globally every country is looking forward for making new electricity projects and recently students of ottawa university invented the new way for solar energy which is not only efficient but also cheapest.Micron company made the new hybrid memory that is fifteen times faster than other random access memory (RAM)Internet of things is the way of intercommunicating of  things which make them to connect to each other for example thermometer will tell to refrigerator and air conditioner what temperature should be for room and fridge same connection between a car and main door as car reaches near to main gate car will tell to gate to be opened through internet there are many examples relevant to internet of things.Firefox launched an operating system for android mobile phones and android os so the users can enjoy android applications on Mozilla Firefox operation system.Download Monthly computing magazine june 2014 pdf or read online free on mediafire.

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